Currently, it is not possible to upload images directly to signaturky.
If you’re interested in this feature, please let us know by contacting

This guide assumes you already have a signature template and will walk you through adding an image to it.

Before You Start

To learn how to create a signature template from scratch, please refer to the Guide: How to Create a Signature Template?.


  • An unrestricted image URL (e.g., a logo hosted on your website).
  • An existing signature template.

For this guide, we’ll use the following example image URL:

Replace this URL with your own image link.

Adding an Image to a Signature Template in signaturky

Step 1: Open the Signature Template Editor

  1. Navigate to Signatures → Templates.
  2. Click the pencil icon (1) next to the template you want to edit.

Screenshot showing the list of signature templates with the pencil icon highlighted

Step 2: Insert the Image

  1. In the template editor, click the Insert Image button (1) in the toolbar. This will open the Insert Image dialog.
  2. Paste the image URL into the URL field (2).
  3. Click Save (3) to add the image.

Screenshot showing the signature editor with the ‘Insert Image’ dialog open

Step 3: Adjust the Image

Once the image is added:

  1. Click on the image to resize it by dragging its corners (1).
  2. To customize further, click the pencil icon (2) to open the edit dialog where you can adjust the size and alternative text.
  3. To delete the image, click the trash icon (3).

Screenshot showing the image selected in the editor with editing options highlighted

Step 4: Save the Template

When you’re satisfied with the changes:

  • Click the Save button below the editor to save your updated template.
  • Your signature template is now ready for use.