Follow this guide to create a new signature template or manage existing templates.

Step 1: Open the Templates Section

Navigate to Signatures → Templates.

Screenshot showing the dashboard and menu with the Templates section highlighted

Step 2: Add a New Template or Manage Existing Templates

  1. To create a new template, click + Add new (1).
  2. To edit an existing template, click the pencil icon (2).
  3. To delete a template, click the trash icon (3).

    Note: Templates linked to an Enforcing Rule cannot be deleted. You must remove the rule first.

Screenshot showing the Signature Templates module with a list of templates

Step 3: Select a Template Option

After clicking + Add new, you’ll see options to create your template:

  • From scratch (1).
  • Using a pre-designed template (2).

Screenshot showing the screen to create a new template with example templates

For this guide, we selected the Gray with profile picture template.

Screenshot showing the selected pre-designed template called “Gray with profile picture”

Step 4: Customize the Template in the Editor

You’ll be redirected to the signature editor screen with the selected template preloaded.

  • The editor (1) is on the left side of the screen.
  • Variables (3) available for use in the template are on the right.

In the editor toolbar, you’ll find additional important buttons (2):

  • Code editor () – Switch between graphical and HTML editing modes.
  • Preview () – View the signature with real user data from your domain.

You can also use all features of the Liquid template engine. For detailed documentation on available operators and tags, refer to Liquid documentation.

Screenshot showing the editor and variable panel in the signature editor

Step 5: Save the Template

  1. Enter a name (4) for your template.
  2. Click Save (5).

Your new template will be saved and ready for use. You can now:

  • Apply it individually.
  • Set enforcement rules for your domain, organizational units, groups, or specific users.

Screenshot showing the newly created signature template

You’ve successfully created a new signature template! Start applying it across your domain or configure enforcement rules for automatic application.