Signature Enforcement ensures that email signatures are consistently applied to users in your domain on a daily basis.
With signaturky, a daily job automatically runs, applying the configured rules and setting the appropriate signatures for users.

A simple setup involves creating a single rule that applies a specific signature to all users across the domain.

Basic Configuration

The easiest way to configure a domain-wide rule is by following these steps:

  1. Go to Signatures → Signature Enforcing (1) to open the Signature Enforcing module.

Screenshot showing the Signature Enforcing module

  1. Click the + Add enforcing for the entire domain (2) button. This will launch a step-by-step rule creation wizard.
  • Step 1: Select the signature template to use.
  • Step 2: Preview the signature and ensure options like Recursive and All domain are selected.
  • Step 3: Click Create rule to save the rule.

Screenshot showing the Signature Enforcing - schedule the time selector

  1. Once the rule is created, you can schedule the time when the enforcement job will run.
    • On the Signature Enforcing screen, use the time selector in the upper-right corner.
    • Adjust the time (in the timezone configured under Configuration → Settings) and click Save.

From now on, the enforcement job will run daily at the configured time, applying the specified signature to all users in the domain.

You can monitor the results each day in Signatures → Change Signature Results.

Advanced Configuration

To customize signatures further, you can create multiple enforcement rules for specific users, groups, or organizational units (OUs).

Steps to Create Additional Rules:

  1. Navigate to the desired scope in Your Domain (e.g., Users, Groups, or Organizational Units).
  2. Search for the user, group, or OU you want to apply the rule to.
  3. Click the Link icon () in the Actions column to begin creating the rule.
  4. Select the signature template, and configure additional options such as:
  • Specific domains or emails.
  • Enabling the Recursive option for OUs.
  1. Click Create rule to save.

For detailed, step-by-step guides with visuals, refer to:

Order of Rule Application

Rules are applied in order of specificity. The most specific rule takes precedence over broader rules:

  1. User Rule: Applied if there’s a match for the user and either a specific email address or the All emails option is selected.
  2. Group Rule: Applied if the user’s group membership matches and either a specific domain or the All domains option is selected.
  3. Organizational Unit Rule: Applied if the user’s OU membership matches and either a specific domain or the All domains option is selected.

If no rules match, the signature will not be changed.
This allows you to enforce signatures for only a subset of users within the domain.


Signature Enforcement is a powerful tool to ensure consistent email branding across your organization.
By using enforcement rules, you can apply signatures at various levels—domain-wide, organizational unit, group, or user-specific while maintaining flexibility to target specific scenarios.